Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy 4th of July 2010, What a weekend!!

We had a GREAT Holiday weekend. This is at the end of the Green Lake Parade. Yes Bill shaved the beard a few weeks ago.

Noah drove the four wheeler in the parade. Bill, Zeke, Hannah and myself rode in the trailer.

Ezra, Eli and Grandma and Grandpa rode in the model A, they were the last car in the parade.
Friday we all went to the beach and had some fun.
Grandma and Grandpa and their grandkids.
Mom and Dad on the beach.
Sophia and Uncle Bill.
Playing soccer on the beach with a huge beach ball.
Ezra loves hanging out with Papa.
Mommy's three little boys.
Hannah and Gabi.
Ezra and his favorite buddy Isaac.
Donna and Roger how cute.
Hanging out enjoying the beach.
Sweet boy.
Having Fun!!
Going for a dip!!!


Naomi said...

You guys look like you are always having fun! I know how cold Lake Michigan is in August. I can't imagine how cold it must be at the beginning of July. You guys are crazy for even sticking your feet in :) We are excited to see you guys in a few weeks!

this is our life. this is our story. said...

Great pics Lisa! Looks like you had a wonderful holiday. Hope you guys are enjoying summer. Let's get together again soon!