Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hannah's 5th Grade Graduation!

Congratulations Hannah, Maddie, Carly and J.J.

My baby is done with Elementary school.
Hannah had her 5th Grade Graduation on the last day of school. It was quite an event. We had the assembly where each students name was called, with pictures from baby, kindergarten, and then 5th grade were shown on the screen.
Then we had the party day with swimming and lunch, and new class t shirts.
The balloon launch.
Mom, Dad, and Hannah after the ceremony.
At the pool with friends.

Beach volleyball, and swimming with Mr. G. So much fun!!!!!!!

The big kids coming to their party. We are so proud of you Hannah keep up the good work, and good luck in Middle School.


this is our life. this is our story. said...

congrats miss hannah!

stevenjared0853 said...

Many congratulations for your wonderful achievement. Booked one of the well known Los Angeles event venues for a book launch party of my brother. A perfect set up for displays and speech plus debates is to be done. Honorable chief guest is the principal madam of our college. Already sent her the formal invite. Hope his success is celebrated with excitement.