We went to Gasparilla Island, Boca Grande for two day trips. It was absolutely beautiful. President Bush 41 was on this island at the same time. Unbelievable amazing homes and beaches. The best part, is the kids could find sharks teeth on the beach.

The water was a little cold, good thing Dad thought to bring our wet suits.

Bill took Noah, Hannah, and Eli to the Aquarium, which was really fun.

Enough said!

Our attempt at a Pyramid. We enjoyed the beach on Christmas Eve day and Christmas Day.

Zeke made a really cool fort with the army guys.

Noah and Ezra made a turtle, and Noah let Ezra sit on top of it, before he destroyed it.

Building a castle.

All of us at Old Historic Spanish point.

Walking along spanish point. Behind Eli is where we went with the boat we rented before Christmas.

Zeke got bit by red ants, so he kept stepping on my feet to protect himself.

The view from Old Historic Spanish Point Cottage.